AUF is committed to transparency regarding all internal and external individuals, constituencies, and communities that the institution engages with in the delivery of its mission and academic programs. Fair processes are applied to the students, faculty, and staff of the institutional, in compliance with the legal parameters of Italian legislation. The institution carefully examines all processes, planning, research, development, to ensure that conflicts of interest do not ensue in campus operations and/or communication.
Students may access all information and policy related to their program of study in the following resources:
The MyAUF portal for the general student contract and GDPR regulations, personal profile and course registrations, library catalog, and the academic platform for course sites.
The Academic Catalog for summary of program curriculum; academic, honesty, and conduct policy; and information on grievances and petitions.
The SLD Student Manual for student services, health and safety, and engagement opportunities during the course of study at AUF.
Housing and housing policy information as provided by the SLD department
Faculty members, in addition to the policies listed in the Academic Catalog, may access the Faculty Guidelines for Best Practices regarding matters of teaching, learning delivery, appointments, grievances, and faculty-geared opportunities at AUF. Faculty and staff may also consult the HR Manual for matters pertaining to fair employment practices and contractual matters as per the regulations of Italian labor legislation.